Thursday, 9 February 2012


Today we are at Redland, because Fairfield is closed for an inset day. So we have to finish of our pre-production work, work on our presentations, an keep our blogs up to date.

The pre-production work, involves writing up our film ideas, in detail, so that we know exactly what will happen and when, what camera angles we intend to use, and which music we might want in our finished film. We also have to finish our SWAT proposals, which are similar to the film idea sheets, but we have to write about the strengths and weaknesses of our film, and factors that could potentially cause our films to fail. Finally, we also have to write and finish our story boards, where we have to write and draw up what will happen in each shot, but also what music, dialogue, movement and camera angles we will use.

We have to create our presentations because we need to show them to the class, so that they can understand what our film is about, and why we decided to make and design them. from there they can then decide which films they believe will be most successful, and they can chose the ones they would like to see made. fortunately, we have a very small class, so all of our films will get to be made, but the presentation process is important, because it gives us a chance to understand what it is like to pitch and present a film to a room full of people who are not only judging your film, but you as well.

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